Friday, June 24, 2011

teacher, teach her


I left teacher off my many Me's list. Humph.

This is important for so many reasons.

I mean, for heaven's sake,  I teach every day. I teach strangers, acquaintances, friends, myself, my offspring, sometimes I even teach my husband. 

I am a teacher not by education but avocation and for my day job. Although educating the masses is a family trait, I just didn't think or know I was cut out for the job. Apparently, I was mistaken.
My humble attempt at the role of teacher is the reason this blog is called yes sir, mama. A very petite being reinforced what her big brother has been trying to teach me. She taught and is still teaching me to not take myself so seriously.

The husband and I, as our children's first educators, have tried to instill manners in our small ones. Our oldest understood the niceties of please, thank you, no thank you, yes, sir/yes, ma'am, etc. Our youngest could dig the Yes, Sir/Ma'am thing but ma'am is so close to mama that 'Yes sir, Mama' was the best she could muster. Now, my husband, being a stickler for accuracy would correct our Little Miss every time she contracted and contorted Yes, Ma'am into Yes sir, Mama.  I would correct her too, but found this gaff in vocabulary completely and extraordinarily endearing. And let's face it, like her brother, Little Miss is pretty doggone endearing anyway. I got swept up by those big eyes hanging on my every word while seeking validation. My correcting her involved 'sternly' admonishing her usage and then turning around to giggle out of eye shot. I mean, really, it was so darn funny.  

I figured with a little coaching and time Little Miss would grow out of this phase as she marched proudly on to the path of linguistic accuracy. I also knew when the day arrived that she understood the correct usage of Yes, sir and Yes, ma'am I would forever lose that lovely little bit of her first steps from Toddlerdom to PreKopolis.  Of course I was correct about her grasp of the usage. She resides quite happily in PreKopolis ready to leap to the next town and has since forgotten 'Yes sir, Mama.'  

I'm glad I jotted down this Little Miss-ism for posterity. I'm not a journaler. (Well, I wasn't one until 5 years ago and officially not until yesterday.) I thought about blogging for a long time but wasn't sure if this medium was for me. If it was, what would the clever title hook be? So jotting this Little Miss-ism for posterity not only preserved that bit of her for as long as possible  but also gave birth to this blog's title. 

Radish Harvest
This face has taught/reminded me that life is simple when we don't try to complicate it. Duh! The Little Miss is a Teacher Teach Her. 

Don't get so caught up in the details that you forget what makes each moment in time special.  I guess I should add student to the aforementioned list of Me's.

Until the next time...

hothouse posey